The Blow is a pop music duo comprised of Melissa Dyne and Khaela Maricich. They are touring the West Coast with a new performance called “Unplugged.” In the “Unplugged” show Dyne and Maricich play live instruments, together, on stage, rendering songs from the extended Blow catalog. This is something The Blow has never done before.* The instruments played by the two in this new set up in fact employ a fair number of plugs, as well as a good amount of electricity. A lot of plugging and unplugging will be happening. The duo performs live with the same rig which they use to produce and record, an interwoven assemblage of analog electronics and modular synthesizers. There will be, however, no plugging in of laptops, video projectors, smoke machines, animatronic singing dolls, or acid effect liquid light shows. There will be two women standing across from each other creating waves of frequency and sensation that pulse back and forth between them. Viewers are welcome to plug themselves into this circuit and feel it.
The Blow created a new website,
The radical space-muse Anna Oxygen will be performing the west coast shows.
*Full disclosure: The Blow first performed “Unplugged” in October 2014 in NYC, and made a small tour of the set throughout the Eastern U.S. After this tour The Blow spent a month in New Mexico writing and recording material for a new album. The West Coast shows will be a development upon the previous performances.
all shows w/ Anna Oxygen
1. Make It Up
2. A Kiss
3. From The Future
4. I Tell Myself Everything
5. Invisible
6. Hey
7. Like Girls
8. The Spector
9. Not Dead Yet
10. You’re My Light